Regular consumption of milk, honey and yogurt is good for nourishing the skin and prevents
premature ageing
Never sleep during the day, especially after lunch as it produces indigestion
Buttermilk is easily digestible, astringent and sour in taste, kindles hunger, intigates kapha and vata and cures dropsy, enlargement of the abdomen, haemorrhoids, duodenal diseases, dysurea, loss of taste (appetite) enlargement of spleen, abdominal tumor, complications arising from excess consumption of ghee (during oleation therapy). Artificial,poisons and anemia.
premature ageing
Never sleep during the day, especially after lunch as it produces indigestion
Buttermilk is easily digestible, astringent and sour in taste, kindles hunger, intigates kapha and vata and cures dropsy, enlargement of the abdomen, haemorrhoids, duodenal diseases, dysurea, loss of taste (appetite) enlargement of spleen, abdominal tumor, complications arising from excess consumption of ghee (during oleation therapy). Artificial,poisons and anemia.